Doula Services

Your personal labor & delivery nurse, doula, and hype-woman extreme. With you from beginning to end!

Free 30-minute Call

In-Person Doula ($3500)

Two Prenatal Visits

I want to get to know you! I’ll provide evidence based education about pregnancy, the labor, delivery & postpartum process , labor options, comfort measures & techniques to use in labor, advocacy in pregnancy & labor, help you build out your birth preferences/plan for support, unpack past delivery experiences, and address any fears or anxieties you might have. I’ll be available to you and your family via text, phone, or email throughout the pregnancy. We will also cover “what do I do with my hands?!” education for your other support person so they look like a seasoned professional in the labor room!

Advocacy & Support During Labor & Delivery

Emotional/physical and advocacy support during active labor, delivery, and up to 1-2 hours post partum, as well as exceptional Iphone 15 photography/video skills

Two Postpartum Visits

Includes full feeding consultations, however you’re choosing to feed your baby! We’ll also discuss and reflect on the labor, review warning signs to be mindful of for both you and baby, talk about newborn & maternal care and well being; cover sleep, soothing, answer lingering questions, generally gush curled up on your couch about how incredible it is that you grew this human being from a single cell and brought them into the world.

Virtual Doula: Remote

The virtual version of my in-person offering! Includes everything above except for my physical presence in the delivery room.


Virtual Doula: On-Demand

Concierge nurse / doula service. Covers you from pregnancy through two weeks postpartum, if you just want a medical expert to call, text, or email about... anything!
